4.1.0 - Hovedleveranse
Releasedato May 21, 2024
Sakstype | ID Jira | External issue ID Junta | Sammendrag | Komponenter | Løsning | What's New Text (aka Release Notes) | SFM Customers | Opprettet |
Defect | SFM-20178 |
| Errors processing Async messages from Inbox on Full SFM | API-Inbox | Reparert | Fixed some exceptions that has been logged earlier related to Inbox (asynch messages) |
| 23.04.2024 14:00 |
Defect | SFM-20065 |
| Prevent system null reference exception when running a lookup |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til oppslag i RF/KJ som på enkelte pasienter førte til "null reference exception", slik at oppslag nå fungerer ok |
| 16.04.2024 10:11 |
Defect | SFM-20040 |
| Log consumer - Disable log information on Consumer from old 2.12 |
| Reparert | Disabled log information on Consumer from old 2.12 |
| 11.04.2024 15:50 |
Defect | SFM-20039 |
| Log consumer - Enable retry policies for connecting to other services |
| Reparert | Enabled retry policies for connecting to other services |
| 11.04.2024 14:57 |
Defect | SFM-20034 |
| Answers to question to MD pharmacy is not shown in client |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til svar på spørsmål til multidoseapotek slik at det vises til bruker. |
| 11.04.2024 10:36 |
Defect | SFM-20003 |
| M8 failed with X99 | API-Inbox | Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til mottak av M8 slik at det nå fungerer ok |
| 10.04.2024 12:59 |
Defect | SFM-19941 |
| Loose resept in M25.2 from MD-pharmacy is set as "Utgått" despite being ekspederbar in RF if UtlopsdatoResept is not included in M25.2 |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til manglende utløpsdato på resept ved import, og beregning av denne datoen |
| 05.04.2024 13:13 |
Customer Defect | SFM-19911 |
| Not able to get JournalNote with user that is practitioner | API-Datashare | Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til journalnotat slik at lege nå kan motta dette. | CGM | 02.04.2024 16:08 |
Defect | SFM-19901 |
| New CAVE is not fetched in KJ when a patient has valid KJ ticket |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til oppslag i kjernejournal slik at CAVE blir hentet inn i SFM på pasienten. |
| 02.04.2024 11:44 |
Defect | SFM-19870 |
| Delivery calculations cannot be processed |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til en feilsituasjon som noen ganger kunne oppstå når man fikk inn utleveringsinformasjon |
| 25.03.2024 11:47 |
Feature | SFM-19832 |
| As a SPP user I want support for supplier_org management |
| Reparert | Funksjonalitet i SPP for å kunne administrere/godkjenne leverandører (supplier_org) for bruk av Multitenant. |
| 21.03.2024 13:56 |
Customer Defect | SFM-19826 |
| No warnings triggered when renewing grey/inactive resept |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til fornying av inaktiv resept slik at det etter fornying blir sjekket på varsler, og varsler som dobbeltforskrivning eller interaksjoner vil vises. | CGM | 21.03.2024 12:20 |
Work Request | SFM-19786 |
| Defect Capacity |
| Reparert |
| 19.03.2024 11:16 |
Work Request | SFM-19785 |
| Defect Capacity |
| Reparert |
| 19.03.2024 11:15 |
Work Request | SFM-19783 |
| Defect Capacity |
| Utført |
| 19.03.2024 11:07 |
Customer Defect | SFM-19735 |
| "reason" missing in sfm-discontinuation in datashare API for resept that was recalled with reason seponering in another office | API-Datashare | Uløst | Rettet en feil relatert til manglende årsak til seponering i datadelings API`et for resepter som er tilbakekalt med årsak seponering, fra en annen virksomhet. | Carasent | 13.03.2024 16:28 |
Customer Defect | SFM-19722 |
| SendMedication fails when islocalworker = true in sfm-patient | API-Basis | Reparert | Sending a sendMed with localworker set, and sending M1, now works. M1 generated ok in RF. | DIPS, Helseplattformen | 13.03.2024 10:38 |
Feature | SFM-19693 |
| As a user of WebEPJ test client I want support for Multi tenancy clients |
| Reparert | Tilrettelegging av WebEPJ for å kunne teste og benytte oppsett for Multitenant. |
| 08.03.2024 16:43 |
Customer Defect | SFM-19679 |
| Allergy without <Legemiddelreaksjon> from M25 should not be created locally |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til import av cave som mangler legemiddelreksjon, den skal da ikke opprettes lokalt | Aidn | 08.03.2024 12:53 |
Feature | SFM-19554 |
| As an operator I want newly supported messages in the service provider portal to be correctly anonymized |
| Reparert | Tilgjengelig informasjon i tjenesteleverandørportalen er nå riktig anonymisert |
| 04.03.2024 09:02 |
Customer Defect | SFM-19547 |
| [Support 864705] Incorrect displayvalue in "interaction" in liblist | API-Datashare | Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til visning av varsler, slik at det nå i type vises navnFormStyrke | TietoEvry | 01.03.2024 13:15 |
Defect | SFM-19536 |
| Drop down menu does not show properly when right click on NIB and FIB line and prevents user from use the options that should be available |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til manglende visning og mulighet til å velge alternativer ved høyreklikking på dropdown menyen på NIB og FIB oppføringer. |
| 01.03.2024 08:01 |
Customer Defect | SFM-19375 |
| SFM does not include papirresept entry from M25.2 if no lookup has been done |
| Uløst | Rettet en feil relatert til håndtering av mottatt papirresept i M25.2 |
| 19.02.2024 15:10 |
Work Request | SFM-19295 |
| As an SFM operator I want the certificate monitor to be removed |
| Utført |
| 12.02.2024 15:51 |
Work Request | SFM-19241 |
| Smoke test of 4.0 in Saturn |
| Reparert |
| 07.02.2024 23:50 |
Work Request | SFM-19004 |
| SPIKE - Investigate how to refactor the Mocking service |
| Completed |
| 29.01.2024 11:14 |
Defect | SFM-19000 |
| Discontinued treatment less than 3 months ago - missing in PLL |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til at behandlinger seponert for mindre enn 3 måneder siden ikke ble sendt i M25.1/PLL. |
| 29.01.2024 10:00 |
Defect | SFM-18783 |
| Treatments are being Discontinued without a stop date |
| Uløst | Rettet en feil relatert til at behandlinger har blitt sendt som aktive i PLL, selv om de har vært seponert |
| 12.01.2024 16:52 |
Feature | SFM-18731 |
| FM api: VarerIBruk endpoint should only return items that are active | FM-API | Reparert | FM API: VarerIBruk endepunkt returner kun aktive oppføringer |
| 11.01.2024 10:57 |
Feature | SFM-18492 |
| As an EPJ I want the FM API on SFM to emulate the FM SOAP API, rather than the FM COM API | FM-API | Reparert | This feature is relevant for vendors with a specific agreement with NHN to use a "FM-like" facade to SFM Datashare API. No impact otherwise. |
| 13.12.2023 11:00 |
Defect | SFM-18399 |
| SFM shows active treatment as stopped when it should be shown as active |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til at en behandling ble vist som avsluttet, selv om den fortsatt var aktiv |
| 05.12.2023 14:06 |
Defect | SFM-18387 |
| System.ArgumentException: Could not Load the latest hpr information from local hpr records for HPRId |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til feil i oppslag RF/KJ som førte til exception |
| 04.12.2023 16:51 |
Feature | SFM-17983 |
| Task when M25.2 is not received within 14 days after M27.1/M28 is sent | API-Task List, MD | Reparert | Det opprettes en task i oppgavelisten til lege dersom det ikke mottas en M25.2 fra apotek innen 14 dager etter sending av M27.1 (Lege har meldt seg på som MD-ansvarlig lege. |
| ############# |
Task 26: E-multidose er ikke startet. | ||||||||
Defect | SFM-17896 |
| System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. | API-Datashare, CAVE, FM-API | Reparert | Ved lesing av enkelte CAVE fikk man tidligere en exception, dette er nå rettet |
| 26.10.2023 13:33 |
Work Request | SFM-17729 |
| Add hostule and path to fmapi | API-Datashare, FM-API | Utført |
| 16.10.2023 10:18 |
Work Request | SFM-17678 |
| Fix Test4 so the FM API can run there | API-Datashare, FM-API | Reparert |
| 11.10.2023 12:53 |
Feature | SFM-17670 |
| Change LIB column header for the column “SIGN.” to “REKV. |
| Reparert | Change the column header text from “SIGNERT” to “REKV.”, short for “rekvirent” (eng: “prescriber”) in the LIB-list. The column (still) shows the initials for the prescriber (doctor) whose name is in the field “Ordinert av”. This means that the column will always show the initials of the prescriber responsible for the content shown in LIB (and Details), which works for both local and external treatments (both with resept in RF, and without resept in PLL/locally). |
| 10.10.2023 16:02 |
Defect | SFM-17546 |
| Treatments with automatic generated answers on seponate questions from MD Pharmacy does not show up under Seponerte last 3 to X months |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til at seponerte behandlinger i multidose ikke alltid ble vist under "seponerte" behandlinger |
| 26.09.2023 10:23 |
Defect | SFM-17265 |
| Drug search does not yield result for drug form that starts with "ø" |
| Reparert | Rettet en feil i søkning på legemidler som innholdt en ø (f.eks. øyedråper) |
| 05.09.2023 18:06 |
Customer Defect | SFM-16377 |
| As EPJ I observe incorrect behaviour in IFRAME PostMessage response | API-Patient Ticket | Reparert | Rettet en feil relatert til åpning av pasient med ugyldig pasientbillett, slik at bruker kommer videre og kan åpne en ny pasient | CGM | 15.06.2023 10:07 |
Feature | SFM-16165 |
| As an EPJ i want sfm-LibList to contain ReseptDokLegemiddel for the returned MedicationStatements | API-Datashare, FM-API | Reparert | Liblist included binary entries referring to M1, M8, M8.1 and Reseptdoklegemiddel |
| 25.05.2023 16:02 |
Work Request | SFM-16130 |
| DataShare Updates - Merging | API-Datashare | Completed |
| 23.05.2023 17:58 |
Work Request | SFM-16129 |
| DataShare Updates - Team administration | API-Datashare | Utført |
| 23.05.2023 17:57 |
Work Request | SFM-16128 |
| DataShare Updates - planning, retrospective and demo (devs) | API-Datashare | Utført |
| 23.05.2023 17:55 |
Defect | SFM-16107 |
| search for Practioners in datashare- "lastUpdated" for "fullUrl" for Practitioner is invalid | API-Datashare | Reparert | This is a fix: lastUpdated for fullUrl for practitioner is valid now |
| 23.05.2023 10:24 |
Defect | SFM-16087 |
| AllergyIntolerance in getMedication returns different display value in Bravo and in Charlie | API-Basis | Reparert | Fixed the display value for AllergyIntolerance |
| 22.05.2023 12:29 |
Customer Defect | SFM-15969 |
| Additional information DataShare API - MD responsible doctor | API-Datashare | Reparert | Multidose responsible doctor is part of the lib-list when it is known by SFM |
| 11.05.2023 12:59 |
Work Request | SFM-15656 |
| Deployment note: New API endpoint for tailored XML API for Visma | API-Datashare, FM-API | Utført |
| 17.04.2023 11:29 |
Feature | SFM-15349 |
| Additional information DataShare - date and comment for last "legemiddelgjennomgang" | API-Datashare | Reparert | LIb-list metadata now contains date and comment for last "legemiddelgjennomgang". This is registered as breaking because it require a new version of the profile. |
| 13.03.2023 11:15 |
Feature | SFM-15348 |
| Additional information - Change the way Medical Warnings and the handling of them are represented in DataShare | API-Basis, API-Datashare, Medical Warning | Utført | The profile has been changed and is now according to e-resept amendment. LIB-list/warnings: All warnings are communicated not only the handled ones. Medical warnings are: CAVE/interaction/doubleprescription warnings. |
| ############# |
The fhir resource to is: R4 Medication | sfm-warning - http://SIMPLIFIER.NET | ||||||||
Feature | SFM-15320 |
| Additional information DataShare - PLO | API-Basis, API-Datashare, PLO | Utført | SFM-MedicationStatement: Now contains administrationdetails (tilleggsopplysninger ved utdeling). Breaking is reported since resource must be updated. |
| 09.03.2023 15:06 |
Defect | SFM-14929 |
| lib-list for administration returns treatments with textual dosing and not with structural in case when "to" is set to same date as treatment was created | API-Datashare | Utført | This is a fix: Changed from unexpected to expected behaviour. Structured dosing is delivered on single day medication. |
| 09.02.2023 14:27 |
Feature | SFM-14919 |
| Mapping Varsling | API-Datashare, FM-API | Reparert | FM API: Mapping av data om Varsling fra DataShare til FM API |
| 08.02.2023 16:42 |
Defect | SFM-14806 |
| AllergyIntolerance.code.coding is incorrectly populated for merkevare CAVE | API-Basis, CAVE | Reparert | getMedication returnerte to instanser av cave når cave var registrert på merkevare, dette er nå rettet slik at det returneres kun en |
| 31.01.2023 16:00 |
Customer Feature | SFM-14573 |
| AS EPJ I want SFM to create entries for inclusion in the EPJ Journal when "things happen" in SFM, and notify | API-Datashare | Reparert | Datashare now provides new resource SFM journal note(notat til løpende journal ). This resouce and functionality can also be used to update status on patient related to ordered medication and awarenes upon last change by doctor. |
| 12.01.2023 17:17 |
Customer Feature | SFM-14572 |
| As an EPJ I want to search for a set of Medication resources | API-Datashare | Utført | SFM supports search for multiple Medication resources by giving a comma separated list of ID's | Webmed | 12.01.2023 16:22 |
Feature | SFM-14434 |
| As an administrator I want the SFM to update the central configuration when I make changes to HER-id or SFM-id in an organization database | API-Basis, API-Datashare, CORE-Config Service, Organization Hierarchy | Reparert | Internal handling of information only. |
| 21.12.2022 13:26 |
Feature | SFM-14433 |
| As the SFM I want to keep ENH-id/OrgNr unique within each database | API-Basis, API-Datashare, Organization Hierarchy | Reparert | SFM keeps ENH-id/OrgNr unique within each database. Accordingly, error messages will be given on attempts to violate. |
| 21.12.2022 13:16 |
Feature | SFM-14416 |
| sfm-lib-list: AllergyIntolerance not returned | API-Datashare | Reparert | LIB list returns allergyintolerance registered on patient the same way as returned when using search on allergyintolerance. EPJ vendors shall use liblist to read this information when needed in EPJ. |
| 19.12.2022 15:01 |
Feature | SFM-14318 |
| As the SFM I want to support HelseID tokens for multi tenant HelseID clients |
| Reparert | Multi tenancy support added by utilizing new functions i HelseID. |
| ############# |
All operations for existing clients shall be transparent for this change. | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Documentation available here: https://thula.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SFM/pages/1066074113/HelseId+Access+Token+Validation | ||||||||
Feature | SFM-14100 |
| As an EPJ I want to access an SFM API based on the FM EpjApi specification | API-Datashare, FM-API | Reparert | This feature is relevant for vendors with a specific agreement with NHN to use a "FM-like" facade to SFM Datashare API. No impact otherwise. |
| 28.11.2022 10:39 |
Feature | SFM-14098 |
| Mapping pasientstatus | API-Datashare, FM-API | Reparert | FM API: Mapping av data om PasientStatus fra DataShare til FM API |
| 28.11.2022 10:37 |
Feature | SFM-14097 |
| Mapping patient | API-Datashare, FM-API | Reparert | FM API: Mapping av data om Pasient fra DataShare til FM API |
| 28.11.2022 10:37 |
Feature | SFM-14095 |
| Mapping VareriBruk | API-Datashare, FM-API | Reparert | FM API: Mapping av data om VareriBruk fra DataShare til FM API |
| 28.11.2022 10:37 |
Feature | SFM-14094 |
| Mapping CAVE | API-Datashare, FM-API | Reparert | FM API: Mapping av data om CAVE fra DataShare til FM API |
| 28.11.2022 10:36 |
Customer Defect | SFM-13667 | Junta 751846 | [Support 751846] Datadelings-API returns bruksområde text as code and does not return the code | API-Basis, API-Datashare | Utført | This is a fix: When fetching the LIB for a patient SFM now delivers code for bruksområde. | Aidn | 01.11.2022 12:08 |
Feature | SFM-5207 |
| Additional information Datashare - last INR measurement (date and value) | API-Datashare | Utført | SFM-MedicationStatement: Last INR measurement - date and value of last measurement is added, for relevant medication. |
| 04.02.2020 14:58 |